Cambridge YLE Courses
本課程專為準備參加劍橋英語: 基礎考試(YLE) 的學生而設。學生將於課程中學習劍橋YLE考試中遇到的主題、重點詞彙和答題模式。我們會為學生提供完善的訓練包括加強他們聽、說、讀、寫四大範籌的應試技巧,並於課程完結前舉行劍橋YLE模擬考試,裝備學生取得優秀成績。
The Cambridge YLE Starters/Movers/Flyer Courses aim at preparing students for the YLE English exams.
Throughout this programme, students will be drilled on topics and activities that they will encounter in the actual YLE exam. Many of the lessons will contain one or more test modules, in order to track their progress, with a Cambridge mock style exam being held towards the end of the course.